Defending Digital Assets: The Shield Web3 Needs to Thrive

Web 3
August 16, 2023

The digital revolution has brought us Web3, a decentralized, user-centric world that promises to empower individuals and revolutionize various industries. In this exciting era, users should feel safe and confident while accessing digital experiences. However, the recent surge in cyberattacks across the Web3 industry has shaken the confidence of many participants, leading them to question the security of their digital assets. 

Last year saw a concerning surge in cryptocurrency hacks, setting a record high, as reported by Chainalysis. According to their latest analysis, cryptocurrency hackers managed to steal a staggering $3.8 billion in 2022, a significant increase from the $3.3 billion stolen in the previous year (2021), and the month of October experienced the highest number of crypto hacks in a single month, with a total of $775.7 million stolen in 32 separate attacks, according to the study. One alarming finding was that decentralized finance protocols, commonly known as DeFi protocols, bore the brunt of these cryptocurrency hacks. The report revealed that approximately 82% of the total amount stolen, which accounts for $3.1 billion, was targeted from DeFi protocols during 2022.

DeFi protocols are financial applications that run on the blockchain allowing users to lend, borrow, and trade cryptocurrencies without needing a centralized intermediary. This makes DeFi protocols very attractive to users but makes them more vulnerable to attack. There are several reasons why DeFi protocols are so frequently targeted by hackers. One reason is that they often store large amounts of cryptocurrency. Another reason is that DeFi protocols are often new and experimental, which means they may have security vulnerabilities that have not yet been identified.

Given this growing threat, it becomes crucial for individuals to safeguard themselves against potential cyber theft. This article delves into the crucial role of secure wallet options in the Web3 ecosystem. It highlights the significance of Multi-Party Computation (MPC) wallets in defending digital assets. It further examines how MPC technology, already attracting the attention of Traditional Finance (TradFi) institutions, can provide the necessary shield for Web3 to thrive securely and flourish.

The Web3 Vulnerability Landscape

Web3, with its underlying principles, holds the promise of increased security compared to its predecessor, Web 2.0. However, like any technology, it brings along its fair share of security risks. Let's delve into some of the significant security risks:

Lack of Encryption and Verification for API Queries

While most individuals know to keep personal information private from unverified sources, Web3 applications often rely on API calls and responses that lack proper authentication. Although Web3 is envisioned to be fully decentralized, practical Web3 app front-ends still depend on Web 2.0 technologies for user interactions. These front-ends utilize API queries to access the Web3 back-end for business logic and data storage. Many Web3 API queries lack cryptographic signatures, rendering them susceptible to attacks like data interception and on-path threats. 

Smart Contracts Hacking

Like any code, smart contracts can contain severe security flaws that jeopardize user data or funds. Past incidents have exposed poorly coded Ethereum smart contracts, putting $4 million in Ether at risk. Unfortunately, the situation has not improved over time, as flawed smart contracts enabled attackers to steal approximately $31 million in digital currency in December 2021. Additionally, a faulty algorithm caused TerraUSD cryptocurrency to lose around $50 billion in value in May 2022.

Privacy Concerns for Decentralized Data Storage

In a blockchain, data can be stored and accessed by any connected node, unlike the restricted access to databases in Web 2.0. This introduces significant security and privacy concerns depending on the nature of the stored data. Even if data is anonymized, research has consistently shown that no data is truly anonymous.

Account and Mobile Wallet Theft

The media has reported numerous attacks on cryptocurrency and wallets, often due to attackers gaining access to users' private keys or tricking them into revealing them through phishing attempts. Since most private keys are stored locally on users' devices, they are also vulnerable to physical theft.

Protocol and Bridge Attacks

Not all aspects of Web3 rely directly on the blockchain. Just as the Internet has layers built upon each other, blockchain also has protocols built on top of it. One example is the widespread use of "bridges," which facilitate transfers between different blockchains. These protocols can also become targets of attacks, such as the case in February 2022 when thieves exploited the Wormhole Bridge to steal approximately $320 million in cryptocurrency.

As Web3 gains momentum, so does the interest of cybercriminals seeking to exploit the decentralized nature of this paradigm. Numerous high-profile hacks have hit the headlines, targeting cryptocurrency exchanges, DeFi platforms, and individual users. The infamous "DAO hack" in 2016 and the "Poly Network hack" in 2021 are just a couple of examples that have left participants wary of embracing Web3 wholeheartedly. The vulnerabilities are evident, and these incidents have underscored the pressing need for enhanced security measures to protect digital assets.

Understanding MPC Wallets: A Security Breakthrough

MPC wallets present a potent solution to the inherent security challenges faced in the Web3 ecosystem. One of the most significant risks with traditional wallets is the potential for a single point of failure. If the private key of a conventional wallet falls into the wrong hands, all associated digital assets are at risk. MPC's distributed nature eliminates this risk, ensuring a higher level of security.

Furthermore, Web3 is founded on principles of decentralization and self-sovereignty, allowing users to be in full control of their assets. MPC wallets align perfectly with these principles, enabling users to retain control of their private keys while significantly reducing the possibility of loss or theft. This enhanced security protects individual users and reinforces the overall trust in the Web3 ecosystem.

How can MPC improve Web3 security?

This section will explore some exciting applications of MPC in Web3 and how it bolsters the security of this ecosystem against various attacks and vulnerabilities. So, let's take a closer look at each of these applications, one by one!

Safeguarding Identity Wallets

The year 2022 witnessed a surge in bridge hacks, with some of the most significant breaches occurring due to compromised signer keys. These keys hold vital information about a person's identity and credibility. When they fall into the wrong hands, it means saying goodbye to your hard-earned funds.

Luckily, MPC comes to the rescue, acting as a guardian angel for user protocols and bridges. It employs a smart approach of sharding and dynamically reconstructing the keys by combining inputs from multiple parties. This way, no single entity has access to the entire key, ensuring the system's safety. Due to these benefits, numerous platforms are emerging as MPC wallet providers, offering MPC wallet services as their business model. 

Transaction Privacy and Confidentiality

Transaction privacy and confidentiality are crucial aspects in the world of blockchain. The foundation of blockchain lies in Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) and the transparent nature of data on the chain, ensuring integrity, authenticity, and authorization for all nodes and validators. However, there are situations where you might require the security and benefits of blockchain but also need to keep certain data confidential, away from public scrutiny. Is there a solution for such scenarios?

An excellent solution comes in the form of MPC. MPC offers a powerful answer to these challenges. In this approach, specific transactions can be taken off the blockchain and processed through MPC. As a result, sensitive data remains confidential and is not exposed to the public database. The beauty of this solution is that even though the transaction is processed outside the blockchain, a receipt of the transaction can still be captured and recorded on the blockchain, serving as valid proof of the transaction's execution.

In essence, MPC provides an elegant way to combine the security and capabilities of blockchain with the need for transactional privacy and confidentiality. It's a win-win situation, ensuring that the data remains secure while harnessing the benefits of decentralized technology. With MPC, the possibilities for secure and private transactions within the blockchain ecosystem are boundless!

High-Value Transactions

When it comes to high-value transactions involving multiple parties' participation, various protocols, and arrangements require permission or signatures from these different parties to execute the task, action, or transaction. This is where MPC truly shines, as it is specifically designed to handle such cases.

MPC's core strength lies in its ability to derive a final result while processing confidential data from various parties. In the context of the blockchain, this means that gathering inputs from different participants and then easily proceeding to sign the transaction securely is made possible.

While multi-signature (multisig) is another alternative for achieving the same goal, recent bridge hacks have highlighted flaws in the multisig method, leading to potential security vulnerabilities. As a result, the time has come for us to explore the robustness of MPC methods as a safer and more reliable option.

Trustless Smart Contracts

Smart contracts are fundamental to Web 3 platforms, but traditional implementations can be vulnerable to hacking and exploitation. With MPC, smart contract computations can be performed collaboratively, with inputs from different parties, without exposing the actual data. This enhances the trustlessness and security of smart contract execution.

Attracting TradFi Institutions: A Testament to Security

TradFi encompasses the conventional financial system, comprising retail banks, investment banks, commercial banks, various financial institutions, and fintech companies. Renowned names in the TradFi landscape include institutions like Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Bank of America, and JP Morgan, as well as digital payment giants like PayPal and Wise. The strength and resilience of MPC wallets have drawn the attention of TradFi institutions, renowned for their stringent security requirements and adherence to regulatory standards. These institutions handle vast amounts of assets, and any compromise in security could have disastrous consequences. The fact that MPC technology has piqued their interest is evidence of its robustness and effectiveness as a security infrastructure.

TradFi institutions traditionally prefer operating within a centralized environment where they can control access and security measures. However, the allure of MPC lies in its ability to offer a distributed solution without compromising security. This newfound interest from the traditional financial world further validates the credibility of MPC wallets in safeguarding digital assets.

What Role Does TradFi Play in the World of Cryptocurrency?

For industries to remain relevant and thrive in the long run, their ability to adapt to cutting-edge technological advancements becomes paramount. One such transformative change in the global financial landscape is driven by blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies. As these innovations continue to gain momentum, it is only a matter of time before TradFi establishments, including banks and other platforms, embrace the adoption of cryptocurrencies.

As this convergence happens, cryptocurrencies will gradually penetrate the mainstream financial ecosystem with the help of MPC. Moreover, the close monitoring of TradFi operations by governments will likely lead to more favorable regulations for the cryptocurrency industry. Consequently, this collaboration opens up opportunities in crucial sectors such as insurance and lending, where the amalgamation of security, accountability, and efficiency can flourish, all of which are made possible by MPC!


As Web3 users navigate through the dynamic landscape of decentralized technology, ensuring the security of digital assets remains of paramount importance. Recent cyberattacks have reminded us of the vulnerabilities inherent in the Web3 ecosystem. To thrive confidently, the Web3 industry needs a shield of enhanced security.

MPC wallets provide the much-needed solution to these challenges, leveraging cryptographic innovations to distribute private keys securely. By eliminating single points of failure and allowing users to retain control over their assets, MPC technology aligns seamlessly with the principles of Web3. Furthermore, the recognition of MPC's robustness by TradFi institutions attests to its effectiveness as a security infrastructure.

In conclusion, the adoption of MPC wallets promises to fortify the Web3 ecosystem, instilling trust and confidence among users and enabling Web3 to flourish as a transformative force in the digital world. As technology advances and the Web3 landscape evolves, safeguarding digital assets with cutting-edge MPC technology will pave the way for a secure and thriving decentralized future.

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